Testing and development resource requirements are cyclical in nature in IT/ITES organizations, there are times when the resource requirement is at its peak and then there is a long pause. In many IT /ITES organizations there is a sprawl of hardware and software resources, and the average utilization rates are very low. From the IT trams perspective the time taken to provision / de-provision resources, accounting the usage, etc continues to be the problem area. 


The T&D environment has become increasingly difficult to manage in a streamlined and cost effective manner, whereas the CIO’s are looking to improve the overall performance of their IT Infrastructure.

NEXSUS CYBER SOLUTIONS with its engineering DNA is well placed to offer lifecycle services to IT/ITES organizations. To ensure that all the objective are met, NEXSUS CYBER SOLUTIONS has developed a Networking Services and Solutions Portal that provides an integrated software solution for extending your existing T&D infrastructure investment into a highly scalable, on-premise and hybrid cloud computing environments.